The Salon of Inner Beauty


150,000 copper and aluminum acupuncture needles, wire, polymer clay

192” x 96” diameter

488 cm x 244 cm diameter

The Salon of Inner Beauty is an experiential object and a physical space intended to generate a vibratory healing field, a space where art and healing converge. Meticulously constructed using an astonishing 150,000 acupuncture needles--objects specifically designed for the movement of energy in the body. The piece is installed so that the viewer can experience the piece from inside the form, surrounded by the energy of thousands of tiny healing objects. By stepping inside this unique form, viewers can experience a living field that can be felt. This installation emphasizes the transformative power of art in the realm of healing, recognizing its ability to nurture and restore on various levels.

Alongside Joseph’s remarkable installation hang several luminous abstract paintings. These artworks serve as visual portals, evoking a sense of transcendence and connection to the ethereal realm. Rooted in Joseph’s meditative process, these paintings embody both complexity and simplicity, eliciting deep contemplation and introspection.